FREDERICKSBURG, VA., Applied Rapid Technologies (ART), a subsidiary of Obsidian Solutions Group (Obsidian), 庆祝他们新的3D打印机展厅的首次亮相,以及他们与Nexa3D在ART设施的持续合作, March 27, 2023. 庆祝活动和剪彩活动由弗雷德里克斯堡商会领导. 主讲人包括弗雷德里克斯堡商会主席兼首席执行官, Susan Spears, 澳门赌场英皇开户亚洲入口经济发展局商务发展官员, Josh Summits, and Virginia’s 7th District Congresswoman, Abigail Spanberger.

CEO and Co-Founder of Obsidian, Tyrone Logan, 讨论了公司发展ART业务的优先事项. 这些优先事项包括扩大其能力和设施,投资和增加劳动力. Within expanding its capabilities, ART的目标是扩大其专业材料的目录, specifically in metals, 加强对汽车、航天等产业的支持. 材料的增材制造使该行业能够使用铝和镍基合金3D打印金属. 这些材料符合航空航天工业标准,用于生产风管, fixtures, and mountings for commercial and military aircraft. In expanding its facilities, Obsidian和ART的目标是容纳各种不同行业的应用程序, from healthcare, automotive, and defense, to communications and the community. 抗逆转录病毒治疗还努力加强社区和区域内的伙伴关系, 在当地社区寻求创造性的合作方式, academic institutions, 州政府和联邦政府通过与高中的公私合作关系, community colleges, and universities. Through public-private partnerships, 他们希望与当地学术界合作创建合作社和实习项目,以满足对机械和化学工程师日益增长的需求, technicians, and machinists.

“令人兴奋的事情正在联邦发生, 我要感谢你们所有人对员工和他们的才能的包容. 感谢您使这家公司成为整个车管所发展最快的公司之一,感谢您将企业家精神带到弗雷德里克斯堡地区,” said Congresswoman Spanberger. Congresswoman Spanberger spoke on the capabilities, growth, and the future of innovation in the Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and Stafford County district. “Fundamentally, this is a showroom for the future; not just for the future of your company, but for the future of our communities, our commonwealth, and our country.”

ART的新展厅将展示三台Nexa3D打印机——NXE 400Pro, XiP Desktop Resin, and NXD 200Pro printers. 这些机器能够为教育等行业快速制作原型和制造, medical, engineering, and in the case of the NXD 200Pro, dental applications. 该展厅还包括创客空间和培训设施,作为该公司STEM推广活动的一部分,旨在向当地学生传授增材制造知识.

“祝贺应用快速技术公司(“ART”)为您的展厅和创客空间盛大开幕, remarked Thomas Coen, Vice Chairman, Stafford County Board of Supervisors. ART is a unique and fascinating business in Stafford, 生产最先进的工业3D打印机,专门为商业和政府/军事客户提供原型和短期塑料制造. 这些新增内容为社区和联邦增加了巨大的价值. 我们感谢ART公司26年来的经营和对斯塔福德的持续投资.”

展厅正式开放,接受客户参观. Visit to book an appointment.

 About Applied Rapid Technologies

应用快速技术公司是快速原型和短期生产解决方案的领先供应商. ART利用立体光刻(SL)和熔融沉积建模(FDM)技术生产塑料模型和部件,使各种规模的公司都能使用, from entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 firms, 这是一种成本更低但质量更高的方法,在投入生产之前制作原型并测试他们的设计. In addition, ART offers soft tooling, urethane casting, 以及生产涂料服务,包括双组分聚氨酯和CARC涂料, 还有原型和生产零件的丝印. Located in Fredericksburg, VA with sales offices in Columbia, MD and North Andover, MA, ART服务于大西洋中部和东北地区,客户遍布美国各地.S.A. and Canada.

欲了解更多信息,请致电ART(540) 286-2266,或发送电子邮件至, or visit our website at

About Obsidian Solutions Group

Founded in 2010 and headquartered in Fredericksburg, VA, 黑曜石解决方案集团是一家多元化的咨询和技术公司,为联邦政府提供灵活和响应性的解决方案, state, and local agencies and organizations. Obsidian is a premier provider of Data Management & Analytics, Modeling & 模拟,军事/部队训练和知识为基础的专业解决方案,国防部和IC. 被公认为全国发展最快的私营公司之一, by Inc Magazine and Washington Technology, Obsidian致力于应对客户在防御中面临的未来威胁, intelligence, homeland security, and private sectors.

Visit 了解我们如何为客户的使命提供服务.

About Nexa3D

Nexa3D是一家领先的超快速3D打印解决方案提供商. 他们的光聚合物和热塑性工业3D打印机的范围提供无与伦比的速度和吞吐量, superb surface finish, all on an open material platform. Nexa3D的专利润滑剂子层光固化(LSPc) 3D打印工艺的生产率提高了传统SLA或DLP工艺的20倍. They offer a range of polymer solutions, spanning from a desktop resin 3D printer, industrial 3D printers, 以及适合批量生产的热塑性激光烧结解决方案.

Visit to learn more about their products and services.